[18/04/2022] Πανελλήνιο Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο Άλγεβρας και Θεωρίας Αριθμών – Marc Masdeu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Numerical experiments with plectic Darmon points

Αγαπητοί Συνάδελφοι, Φοιτητές και Φίλοι,

Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι τη Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου στις 16:00, στο πλαίσιο του Διαδικτυακού Σεμιναρίου Άλγεβρας και Θεωρίας Αριθμών, θα δώσει ομιλία ο Marc Masdeu (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Τίτλος: Numerical experiments with plectic Darmon points

Περίληψη: Let E/F be an elliptic curve defined over a number field F, and let K/F be a quadratic extension. If the analytic rank of E(K) is one, one can often use Heegner points (or the more general Darmon points) to produce (at least conjecturally) a nontorsion generator of E(K). If the analytic rank of E(K) is larger than one, the problem of constructing algebraic points is still very open. In recent work, Michele Fornea and Lennart Gehrmann have introduced certain p-adic quantities that may be conjecturally related to the existence of these points. In this talk I will explain their construction, and illustrate with some numerical experiments some support for their conjecture. This is joint work with Michele Fornea and Xevi Guitart.

Zoom link: https://authgr.zoom.us/j/97698390911?pwd=SVk0SlFMU25NVVlnZHFIQU1KZ3liUT09

Meeting ID: 976 9839 0911
Passcode: 956866

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