[27/02/2020] Σεμινάριο Άλγεβρας – Laertis Vaso (Uppsala), Higher dimensional AR-theory through Nakayama algebas

Πέμπτη, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2020, στις 12:15 – 13:00, Αίθουσα Μ2

Ομιλητής: Laertis Vaso (Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala, Sweden)

Τίτλος: Higher dimensional AR-theory through Nakayama algebas

Περίληψη: In this talk I will start by recalling two important notions from representation theory of finite dimensional algebras: the Auslander-Reiten quiver and the global dimension of an algebra. I will explain how one may generalise the very well understood case of representation-finite algebras of global dimension one to n-representation-finite algebras of higher global dimension. Throughout I will present a few tools that one may use to construct n-representation finite algebras using examples coming from Nakayama algebras.