Παρουσίαση διπλωματικής: Descriptive set theory: The uniformization property for the pointclasses Π^1_1, Σ^1_2, Π^1_1, Σ^1_2.

Παρουσίαση διπλωματικής: Descriptive set theory: The uniformization property for the pointclasses Π^1_1 (lightface), Σ^1_2 (lightface), Π^1_1 (boldface), Σ^1_2 (boldface).

Η μεταπτυχιακή φοιτήτρια Κορντελία Τασοπούλου θα παρουσιάσει την διπλωματικής της εργασίας την Παρασκευή 3/11 στις 9.00-10.00 στην αίθουσα Μ2 με ταυτόχρονη μετάδοση μέσω ΖΟΟΜ.

Η διάλεξη θα δωθεί στα Ελληνικά με Αγγλικές διαφάνειες. Απευθύνεται σε μεταπτυχιακούς και προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές.

Περιγραφή διάλεξης:
The intention of this presentation is to introduce Descriptive Set Theory and to present some notable results. To begin with, we establish the basic notions of the Classical Descriptive Set Theory. The main aim of this theory is to study the structure and the properties of subsets of complete, separable metric spaces. So initially, we present some preliminaries, to construct the Borel pointclasses as well as the Lusin pointclasses and the Borel sets. After these starting points, we introduce the elementary results of the Effective Descriptive Set Theory. This theory yields refinements of the classical results. So, we will see the analogies between these two theories. More precisely we start with recursive functions and semirecursive sets, which are the effective analogues of continuous functions and open sets respectivelly and we build up the Kleene pointclasses, namely the effective version of the Borel and the Lusin pointclasses. Finally, we investigate the structure of the pointclasses  Π^1_1 (lightface), Σ^1_2 (lightface), Π^1_1 (boldface), Σ^1_2 (boldface) more systematically. We give the definition of uniformization, a weak form of the axiom of choice and we end up proving that these pointclasses have the uniformization property.


Topic: Παρουσίαση Διπλωματικής- Κορντελία Τασοπούλου
Time: Nov 3, 2023 09:00 AM Athens

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